Fundy Software

Fundy Software, based in Beaverton Oregon, was one of our favorite stops at WPPI for two reasons. One the product itself makes album and blog design from within Photoshop a cinch, and speeds up workflow! And two, we got to watch Jason Groupp (a favorite photographer) learn how to make his album in about 6 minutes.

It looked so easy that we absolutely had to find out more!

Fundy’s Core Values (ShutterCliq’s too, except we don’t dance!)

  1. Be open and honest.
  2. Be humble and helpful.
  3. Be proactive.
  4. Innovate.
  5. Deliver value to the photographic community.
  6. Help others be successful.
  7. Do more with less.
  8. Be passionate and determined.
  9. Continue to grow and learn.
  10. Have fun (you can dance if you want to…)


Andrew “Fundy” Funderburg – CEO and Creator of Fundy Software (pictured above right) has been to over 20 countries, lived in Paris, served in the Peace Corps in Moldova and lived in Japan for 13 years. His wife is Japanese, his two kids were born in Japan (his dog too), he’s accidentally flooded a 200 year-old apartment in Paris, got lost in the former USSR and climbed to the top of a Czech cathedral at midnight.  He loves creating unique software, taking photos, making albums and the wonderful micro-brews of his home state.


As mentioned above, watching Jason Groupp, a complete rookie to the software, design and order his album in about 6 minutes was what really convinced me that this software was a 100% total workflow solution and time saver. They engineer solutions that make the process of making an amazing album, blog collage, workflow and branding super fast, and super easy.  We walked away shaking our heads and wondering how we had gotten away so long without using their products.

Check out Fundy’s website here! And tell them ShutterCliq sent you!

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